Jennifer Wood has a lifetime of writing experience and skill. Jennifer has an extensive literary education, both personal and academic.
Creative writing:
Portal (screenplay and final project; class: The Sunken Place)
The Island (short story and final project; class: Introduction to Afrofuturism)
Some Notable Academic Papers:
- Reconsidering Women’s Images and Roles in Ancient Lower Central America
- Questioning the Image of Aztec Violence through Bioarcheological Remains
Some Notable Untitled papers:
- paper topic: Racial Capitalism (Class: Another World is Possible)
- paper topic: Racial Capitalism (Class: Afro-Indigenous History)
- paper exploring ethnography and mapping (Class: Another World is Possible)
- paper about established schemes for interpreting and understanding archaeology (Class: Theory in Anthropological Archaeology)
- paper topic: Illness Narrative based on interview of patient (Class: Medical Anthropology)
- paper topic: Kennewick Man (Class: Theory in Anthropological Archaeology)
- paper topic: Belizean Kriol (Class: Linguistic Anthropology)
- paper topic: Belize (Class: Central American Racial Constructions)
- paper topic: Hip Hop Culture Contextualized within Social, Racial, and Political Struggle (Class: Global Hip Hop Cultures)